Some Scary yet Amazing Daily Food in China, Brave Enough to Try?

Do you know that the best meat of a fish is at the cheek? 

Admit it, some western food are just too boring. Do try some of the stuff in the below list if you go to China. Tell me which one is your favorite. By the way, I am going to skip the more aggressive/unusual ones such as rat and silkworm chrysalis, and just going to talk about more daily ones this time.

1. Snake
Such as snake soup, which is a popular Cantonese delicacy and health supplement. In Chinese medicine theory, snake, varying from the type, are generally warm in nature, so it could help to sooth the blood and make you warm. Additionally, snake normally will contain certain toxin. Eating snake can help you defeat sore developed or simply prevent them. The taste is similar to eel, or finless eel which can be found in the rice field in southern China.

Snake Dish
Snake Dish

2. Scorpion
Typical way to eat is fried scorpion. You can find it from the street frying booth or in decent restaurants. It truly is a type of Chinese medicine, and expensive in some cases. It is good for reducing the blood pressure, helping to relief stroke symptoms, and is also beneficial for the blood vein etc. Dozens of medicines are made from it. Well, it is well known that it is toxic, especially at the tail tip. So, it is not recommended to consume a lot everyday. I personally like big and fat one, juicy...

Fried Scorpion
Fried Scorpion

3. Stomach, lung and intestine
In this category, pig's, sheep's and cow's stomach are commonly seen on the table. One may want to give it a try if there are bear's or deer's stomach available. For stomach, the taste is normally chewy. Commonly seen dishes are spicy pig's stomach with pepper, or pig's stomach soup or assorted sheep haslet soup (lungs, liver, intestine etc.).

assorted sheep haslet soup
Assorted sheep haslet soup

4. Rabbit's head
Well, I am not a big fan of it, but it exists. Look at the cute head of a rabbit, can you imagine how does it taste in your mouth? it is normally cooked with spice, and you are recommended to wear plastic gloves when enjoy them.

Rabbit's head
Rabbit's head

5. Duck's head
The same as above.

Duck's head
Duck's head

6. Fish's head
I understand that some people couldn't stand to look at the eyes of a fish laying in your plates. However, fish's head is a delicacy. This fish's head has to be big enough, and the common one for this purpose is called BigHead Fish, or asian carp. Note that the head is more expensive than the fish meat itself. People in the states complains that they have a carp issue?

Fish's head with Pepper
Fish's head with Pepper

7. Blood
Such as duck's blood, pig's blood. When it is cool, it is similar to Toufu, so it's called blood Toufu as well, and it's commonly seen in hot pot.

Blood Toufu
Blood Toufu
8. Hairy eggs
OK, I didn't try this one. It is the dead or live chick embryo.


Nevertheless, a lot people love them, and it is said that the taste is quite rich.
Depending on how old the egg/chick is, you may get into hair or sort...

Hairy eggs
Hairy eggs

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